There exist two types of failure modes including alternating plasticity and incremental collapse for elastoplastic structures subjected to varied loading. The purpose of shakedown analysis is to determine maximum range of load variation. 弹塑性结构在变值荷载作用下具有交变塑性和增量破坏两种可能的破坏型式,安定性分析就是要确定荷载变动的最大范围。
High-temperature tensile properties of high carbon and low carbon U-Ti alloys have been studied. Their strength and plasticity were also determined in the range from room temperature to 800 ℃. 测试了铸态高碳和低碳铀-钛合金从室温~800℃温度范围内的拉伸性能。
The volume compressible rigid plasticity finite element method ( RPFEM) has been used to numerically simulate the flat roll cold rolling process for 6~ 36 elements. Attention is given to the range of relaxation factor at convergence and its effect on convergency. 对平辊冷轧过程6~36单元用体积可压缩法刚塑性有限元进行数值模拟,研究了松弛因子发生的区间和对收敛性的影响。
The results of analysis on the hot working longitudinal cracks and study on the thermal plasticity of stainless steel SUS 416 show that there is a low plasticity region in the temperature range 900 ℃ to 1000 ℃ for steel billets. 对SUS416不锈钢的热加工纵向裂纹和钢坯横向、纵向的热塑性研究结果表明;钢坯的横向热塑性在900~1000℃温度区间存在一明显的低塑性区。
Experimental results show that strength and plasticity are not obviously influenced by sulphur addition in the range of 0.03%~ 0.1%, Impact toughness value does not decrease and shows some increase instead. 结果表明,增加硫含量(0.03%~0.1%)对钢的强度和塑性没有明显的影响,而冲击韧性值有上升趋势。
Age structure is unreasonable, ascension space and plasticity bigger; 2, The inside scoring range is expanding, having more comprehensive attack technique, and score means is varied. 年龄结构不合理,提升空间及可塑性较大;2、内线得分范围有扩大趋势,进攻技术更加全面,得分手段更趋多样。
Beef tallow ( BT)-based plastic fat products account for a large number of shares in baking fats due to its advantageous properties, such as ideal plasticity temperature range, ease of practical application, and typical aroma after baking, lasting fragrance. 牛油基塑性脂肪产品具有理想的塑性温度范围,便于实际应用,同时经高温烘焙后具有典型的风味,留香持久。基于上述优点,其在烘焙型脂肪中占有大量份额。
Phenotypic plasticity is an important attribute of plants which enables them to survive across a range of environments. 表型可塑性是植物一个重要特征,使它们能在一定范围内的环境中存活。